Stress Management

Any type of stress can lead to physical distress, as well, including weight loss, insomnia, and even heart pain.
Managing stress as a high achiever is possible.

illustration girl in stress

What is Stress Management


Like anger, stress is a normal part of even the healthiest person. It can, however, become so intense that it interferes with someone’s quality of life. Patients with an unhealthy amount of stress need to learn coping mechanisms via an intervention commonly referred to as “stress management.”

Stress is a poison that can kill you both metaphorically and literally. For example, one recent study conducted by Dr Elizabeth Mostofsky of Harvard Medical School found that the first 24 hours following the loss of a spouse are associated with a staggering 21-fold increased risk of a heart attack.


Stress is often related to life events, that is, important events such as losing a loved one, going through a divorce, losing a job, or falling ill. Life events can certainly be very stressful, but most of the stress that a person experiences on a daily basis comes from seemingly smaller ‘background’ stressors such as constant deadlines, tense relationships, painful memories (especially memories of childhood physical or sexual abuse, loss, or abandonment), isolation, discrimination, poor housing, or unpaid bills.


The amount of stress that a person can handle is largely related to his or her thinking and coping styles and to his or her social skills. People with positive coping and thinking styles and good social skills are better able to diffuse stressful situations—for example, by doing something about them, putting them into their proper context, or simply talking about them and ‘sharing the pain’.


The first step in dealing with stress is to be able to recognize its warning signs.

Emotional symptoms: Anxiety, fear, irritability, anger, resentment, loss of confidence

Cognitive symptoms: Difficulty concentrating or making decisions, confusion, repetitive or circular thoughts

Physical symptoms: Dry mouth, tremor, sweatiness, pounding or racing heartbeat, chest tightness, difficulty breathing, muscle tension, headache, dizziness

Behavioural symptoms: Nervous habits such as nail biting or pacing, drinking more coffee or alcohol, eating too much or too little, sleeping poorly, acting brashly or unreasonably, losing your temper, being inconsiderate to others, neglecting your responsibilities


Common Techniques for Stress Management


As a starting point, patients in session work to recognize what “healthy” or “unhealthy” stress means. They can then begin to develop coping mechanisms that can help them maintain a healthy relationship to stress.



Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, commonly referred to as CBT, is one of the most popular interventions for unhealthy stress. In CBT, patients learn to alter their negative thought patterns so that they can experience more balanced and healthier lives.



Medication for Stress Management

In severe cases, a psychiatrist may want a patient to get on anti-anxiety medications. While these can be very effective, they can also be addictive. Patient and therapist must weigh the risks and benefits in considering medication for stress.


Making Lifestyle Changes


Patients can also make changes to their lifestyles that help with unhealthy levels of stress. An overworked individual, for example, might learn to delegate. Introducing exercise into one’s life can also be an effective way to create change when it comes to stress. A therapist can help a patient identify the best techniques for them.


It can be a good idea to write down how you feel when you become stressed. Next, make a list of situations in which you feel that way. For each situation on your list, think about one or more strategies that you can use to avoid it or make it less stressful. For example, if one of your stressful situations is arguing with a friend (let us call her Jane), some of your strategies might include

1. Talk to Jane about how I am feeling and try to resolve matters

2. See Jane less often

3. Avoid bringing up certain subjects with Jane

4. Walk away from arguments with Jane

5. Use deep breathing 


There are also some more general strategies that you can use for reducing stress. One common and effective strategy, called ‘deep breathing’, involves modifying and regulating your breathing:

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—Breathe in through your nose and hold the air in for several seconds.

—Then purse your lips and gradually let the air out, making sure that you let out as much air as you can.

—Continue doing this until you are feeling more relaxed.

A second strategy that is often used together with deep breathing involves relaxation exercises:

—Lying on your back, tighten the muscles in your toes for 10 seconds and then relax them completely.

—Do the same for your feet, ankles, and calves, gradually working your way up your body until you reach your head and neck.

Other general strategies that you can use for reducing stress include listening to classical music (for example, Bach or Chopin), taking a hot bath, reading a book or surfing the internet, calling up or meeting a friend, practising yoga or meditation, and playing sports.

Lifestyle changes can help both to reduce stress and to increase your ability to cope with stress. Lifestyle changes to consider include:

—Simplifying your life, even if this means doing less or doing only one thing at a time.

—Having a schedule and keeping to it.

—Getting enough sleep.

—Exercising regularly (for example, walking, swimming, yoga).

—Going for a weekly massage.

—Eating a balanced diet.

—Restricting your intake of coffee or alcohol.

—Taking time out to do the things that you enjoy.

—Connecting with others and sharing your thoughts and feelings with them.

—Changing your thinking style: having realistic expectations, reframing problems, expressing your thoughts and feelings, maintain a sense of humour.

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These lifestyle changes are not only useful for managing stress, but also for improving your physical health and overall quality of life. Though individually small and simple, their cumulative effect can make a big difference to your wellbeing. 

If reducing stress continues to be a problem for you, discuss the issue with a healthcare professional and be sure to ask about relaxation training.


Is stress a mental health problem?


Stress is not normally considered a mental health problem. But it is connected to our mental health in several ways:


  • Stress can cause mental health problems. And it can make existing problems worse. For example, if you experience lots of stress, this might lead you to develop a mental health problem like anxiety or depression. Or a traumatic period of stress might lead to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).


  • Mental health problems can cause stress. You might find coping with the day-to-day symptoms of your mental health problem is stressful. You may also feel stressed about managing medication, healthcare appointments or other treatments.


  • You might use recreational drugs or alcohol to cope with stress. This could also affect your mental health, and cause further stress.

Stress management FAQ 

How do I know if I am experiencing chronic stress?
Can stress management therapy help me?
Can stress cause weight loss?
How does stress affect the body?
Can stress management therapy help me?
How do I know if I am experiencing chronic stress?

Let’s talk about your specific needs.